Any acquired competence needs recognition or certification. This is EFCoCert’s unique expertise.
Evaluators are more and more aware of the crucial importance of adding a recognition and certification dimension in complement to training courses and curricula dedicated to acquire and enhance any set of competences, skills and good practices.
Involving EFCoCert’s unique expertise for developing a recognition and certification system of the acquired competences significantly increases the success rate of the applications (80% success rate on 2021
- Job profiles appear, evolve, vanish so quickly that formal training system / offer cannot follow.
- Lifelong learning is essential to adapt to a constantly changing labour world.
- Soft skills and side abilities become more important than diploma and CV for a good match.
- Non-formal & informal learning are key EU priorities, calling for recognition / validation.
- Knowing doesn’t mean ability to do, apply, perform, achieve – competence does.
- Competence is now understood as “ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results”.
- Achieving intended results by doing, irrelevant how you learned, is the only relevant finality.